E.S.T.H.E.R. Single Mothers Outreach | Get Involved old
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Get Involved old


As a non-profit, volunteers are essential to our success. There are MANY areas to get involved in to keep our office, services, programs and events moving forward. Together we can make a difference in the women and children throughout Central Florida. Listed below you will find some areas where you could make a difference.


Please Read Before Getting Involved


  • Individual Volunteer

Each individual volunteer must complete a volunteer application. This allows us to insure the safety for our families and you as a volunteer. Part of the application process is a face to face meeting and a background check. The process is easy-creating a healthy environment for everyone. Volunteers have to be at least 10 years old with a chaperone who is 18 years or older in order to help out in our office. Students needing Community Service Hours for school are always welcome.






If your church group or company is interested in volunteering, please email Rachae at rachae.swaim@esthersmo.com

Looking forward to serving alongside of you!


Organizing Donations:

We receive donations of clothing, food and household items on a regular basis. You can help us sort through these donations and organize them in our clothing closets and warehouse.


Have donations? Click HERE!

Event Planning:

We host events such as our “Back 2 School” outreaches throughout the year. These outreaches take place in Orange and Seminole counties. We also do “Spring & Fall Open Houses” at our office where families can come to receive help. Your experience with planning and organizing would help us keep these events, and others, running smoothly.


Event Set Up and Clean Up

When we host events or do outreaches we can always use a helping hand with setting up and cleaning up. These areas take a lot of stamina and dedication as it can sometimes be a lot of work but the reward of watching the families receive and grow is worth it.



Outdoor Outreach Project

 Your church or organization can take on an outdoor-outreach project by helping a single mother family clean up their yard, paint their fence, or palms some flowers among other things. During these projects a family is given the opportunity to receive a face lift at their house through your team! You bring the manpower, paint, plants, and any other item needed. We supply the family who could use a wonderful facelift for their home.


For any additional questions, please contact:

Rachae Swaim, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 407-331-6436
Email: rachae.swaim@esthersmo.com




Assist with office work such as making phone calls, entering data, online research and assisting clients who come to the office for help.




Food Drive

Our heart is to assist moms visiting our office with a box of food for her family. Budgets are tight and children are hungry. Every client who comes in our doors leaves with food, if needed. However, we target the summer months and holiday breaks when children who are on the “Hot Lunch” program (breakfast and lunch) are now eating these meals at home. Maybe your church or place of work would consider doing a food drive to help us meet this HUGE need.

Non-Perishable Food:    

  • Vegetables: Canned Vegetables, Spaghetti Sauce

  • Grains: Rice, Pasta, Crackers,

  • Cereal, Oatmeal, Pancake Mix, Chips

  • Protein Foods: Canned Meat, Canned Chicken, Canned Tuna,

    Canned Beans, Peanut Butter

  • Meals: Beef Stew, Canned Soup, Chili,

    Other Canned Meals

  • Fruits: Canned Fruit, Fruit Juice, Jellies & Jams

  • Desert: Cookies, Cake & Brownie Mixes, Jell-O

  • Baby Food

  • Non-food Items:   Diapers, Soap, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toilet paper, paper towels, feminine hygiene products, cleaning products, toothpaste, and laundry detergent are always great too!


Shoe and Clothing Drive

The purpose for our closet is to help the moms maintain stability with their financial responsibilities. Kids grow, styles change and clothes wear out. Collecting gently used shoes and clothes that can be added to our closet would be great! All clothing must not be stained, torn, or worn-out. Please donate clothing that has been washed.  No undergarments or bathing suits.


Monthly Gathering

Church Groups needed to assist in our children’s ministry.

You will have the opportunity to play with the children in different areas such as: on the playground, coloring pages, games, basketball, etc. This is a fun and easy way to give back and make a difference in the lives of these children.

This would take place on a Saturday.



At E.S.T.H.E.R. we consider it an honor to come along side courageous single mothers as they move through this season of life. Encouraging them to move forward, dream big and grow into who God has called them to be = SUPER VICTORIOUS.